- Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target you intend to shoot.
- Keep your firearm unloaded until you are ready to shoot.
- Be sure your firearm is in good working order.
- Be sure you use the correct ammunition in your firearm.
- Dry firing is allowed on the firing line only.
- Keep firearms pointed down range at all times while on the range.
- Drawing from a holster is permitted for MEMBERS ONLY who’ve successfully completed the Valley Guns II: Defensive Handgun II class or higher. A guest who has completed the Valley Guns II: Defensive Handgun II class or Higher can draw from the holster while accompanying the member.
- Members or accompanying guests are prohibited from firing two guns simultaneously. (I.E. a person firing 2 handguns at the same time from each hand)
- Unattended firearms on the firing line, picnic tables or loading tables must have actions, slides and cylinders opened and clear at all times.
- If a jam or other malfunction occurs and you cannot clear the problem immediately, call CEASE FIRE 3 times across the firing line then continue to try to fix the problem. Do not leave the firing line with a loaded or jammed firearm.
- Report any negligent discharges or damage to equipment immediately.
- (It is extremely important to know if an Accidental discharge has happened and the direction the barrel was pointing when it occurred.)
- Damage to target holders (sticks) is expected. Damage to any of the steel targets must be reported so they can be repaired or replaced.
- If a CEASE FIRE is called, unload your firearm with the cylinder open, or slide locked back and secured. Then step back from the shooting position.
- Never move forward of the firing line. If your shooting with other Members or guests, communication must be maintained between all parties. Once a cease fire is called to change targets, a LOUD, AUDIBLE "DOWNRANGE" should be stated. All Actions must be cleared, opened, and magazines removed from the firearms.
- The barrel of the firearm should never leave your line of sight (L.O.S) when shooting at the target.
- Eye & ear protection is mandatory and should be in use before exiting the building while other are shooting.
- Eye and Ear Protection is mandatory for all Members & Guests during shooting activities.
- The front double doors must remain locked during long range rifle activities. Entering and Exiting must be done through the side and rear of the building.
- Use only authorized firearms on the range.
- Portable targets, either steel or paper target stands must be in front of a suitable backstop.
- Use only approved targets. (Paper, cardboard or AR500 steel targets).
- Do not shoot steel targets less than 7yds away for Handguns and 50yds away for rifles.
- Smoking in the parking lot or back of the building is permitted. Smoking inside the club house or around other members on the porch is NOT PERMITTED. Eating or drinking is prohibited on the firing line but is permitted in the club house and the porch.
- Shotguns may use buckshot or slugs only on Paper or steel targets. BIRDSHOT MUST BE FIRED on paper targets only!
- All magazines must be loaded on the loading tables or picnic tables outside or under the porch. Absolutely no loading magazines inside the clubhouse.
- NO loading of firearms inside the club house. All guns entering the club house must be holstered or cased.
- No tracer, armor piercing, steel core, or dragons breathe ammunition.
- Only jacketed, semi-jacketed, or coated lead bullets are allowed. Reloaded ammunition is permitted at the shooters own risk.
- ABSOLUTELY NO EXPLODING TARGETS of any type are permitted.
- Rifle ammunition is limited to 45 calibers or smaller. Any caliber greater than 45 must be approved by management and documented with date & time.
- Handguns chambered in Rifle calibers (i.e. AR15 Pistol) must be 50yds away from steel targets. Shotgun gauge chambered handguns must be 25yds away from steel targets. (Birdshot rules apply)
- NO FULLY AUTOMATIC FIREARMS OR BINARY TRIGGERS W/O Prior written PERMISSION from management. The use of such firearms must be dated and documented.
- Anyone displaying unsafe actions will receive one warning to correct their behavior. Upon a second offense of similar type, the member will lose all privileges and the membership will be immediately terminated without refund. Furthermore, a combination of 3 warnings will result in permanent termination without refund. North River Sportsman Club LLC reserves the right to refuse use of the range or service to any person for any reason.
- Reservations for corporate events or training classes take precedence over member use at all time. We will strive to accommodate and balance member use w/ other events as much as possible.